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Vancouver, BC, V6A 1A4

604 564 5892

the t.o.g story


 the story

                                               "work is love made visible" - Kahlil Gibran


As with everything in life’s vast embrace, Trace of Grey Designs is a story.

It is strung together with varied steps, pathways, growings, learnings, unlearnings and countless beautiful details in between that have made it what it is today. I am a person who endeavours to live and find meaning within the details of life, so for me it is important to share some of this story and its details with you.


In the beginning...

There were two.

In 2011, Claudia Krieger and I created Trace of Grey Designs from a deep and mutual, like-minded desire. We wanted to share with the world, beautiful designs in the form of one of a kind, made entirely by hand, leather goods.

When we first met in 2009, Claudia was well versed in leather crafting. She had combined her natural talent for exceptional creativity, with a desire to learn how to work with leather. It is most accurate to say that she is self taught. Claudia learned this skill through good ol’ fashioned trial and error and a deep belief in herself, that she could bring into form the designs she pictured in her mind. This is exactly what she did. Claudia’s designs were beautiful, unique and functional. Wearable art, is a fitting descriptive. Her pieces were sold in a few Vancouver shops and many lucky friends and family received them as gifts.

I had dreamed about doing creative design work for most of my life, but had not been able to put my finger on what it was exactly, that I was looking for. Hence, this desire found expression in my day to day living, style of dress, traveling, learning and general life explorations. I figured if I just followed my heart as best that I could, life would somehow lead me to that which I was looking for and desiring to be.

It was therefore no accident, to cross paths with Claudia. I was instantly drawn to her beautiful designs. I felt a knowing that I would learn the craft of leather work and that I could do it, even though I had never done it before. It was one of those stars aligning, good gut-feeling, moments.

So Claudia began to teach me, step by step, what she had taught herself to do. 

Her natural teaching ability and impeccable eye for detail made it very easy for me to learn. I caught on to the process quite naturally, and was thrilled at the satisfaction I experienced in working with my hands and allowing design ideas to flood my imagination. It was the beginning, of my dream coming into form. Wow. I was beyond grateful and excited to see where this would take me.


and then...

From 2011 to 2017 we put our hearts and souls into Trace of Grey Designs.

We followed every opportunity that came across our path, and courageously chose to say 'yes' to invitations from life. Most of them were far bigger than what we thought ourselves capable of or had done before. The learning was invaluable and most rewarding. 

Sometimes our pieces were a collaboration, but most often individually designed and produced. Claudia and I share a very similar and complimentary aesthetic. We were each others' sounding board, source of inspiration and testing ground for new ideas. What has evolved into the TOG brand, most definitely reflects the combination of both of us.

In January of 2018 Claudia stepped out of Trace of Grey Designs, following the call of her own heart to pursue other new and creative opportunities.

I celebrate how far Claudia and I brought Trace of Grey Designs, and the success we were together. I also celebrate Claudia’s new path, and my new opportunity to bring TOG into its next paradigm of expression. Claudia’s inspiring talent, beauty and style are bound to the legacy of Trace of Grey Designs, and for this I am only grateful. 

and now

As always, I move forward in the way I know best.

Follow my heart through faith, endeavour to live into my dreams, enjoy the process and trust the infallible support of life to show the way.

Thank you for reading :)
